Wagner Horse Doc, LLC

Keith L Wagner DVM

Traditional Western Veterinary MedicineWhen we view a patient’s health status as a continuum from health to disease or birth to death, the patient has to advance a large percentage of the way along the continuum before traditional western veterinary medicine’s diagnostic test can register the abnormality. At the point which the abnormality is recognized by the owner, we can provide those needed TWVM diagnostic tests and services. In most cases, the disease process has advanced to a common awareness status, TWVM diagnostics and treatment modalities are used to more aggressively push the horse back to balance, equilibrium or best possible physical condition that is still available. Also TWVM does provide some prevention medicine such as disease vaccinations and dental health maintenance.

Annual Examinations

Annual Horse ExaminationsAnnual examinations of your horse can detect early signs of change in their physiology which is a probable precursor to a disease process. Early recognition of these body changes may reduce the need for more advance and aggressive treatment options. For example as part of the annual examination, the oral cavity is check to see if the teeth need to be floated. Since dental issues are the number one cause for riding behavioral problems; this simple act will evaluate the teeth for normal dentations to help ensure riding pleasure and optimal horse balance and performance.

Laboratory Testing

Also available are a wide array of laboratory tests including Complete Blood Counts, Chemistry and Electrolyte analysis along with Coggins Tests for Equine Infectious Anemia. Included in the laboratory test is a Quantitative Fecal test to evaluate your horse’s need for deworming or the success of your deworming program. Quantitative Fecal tests are relevant as we have discovered an overuse of dewormers and the development of resistant parasites with the previous deworming recommendations.

An Integrated Approach

The sensitivity of pre-purchase and lameness evaluations have increased by adding chiropractic, acupuncture and applied kinesiology evaluations to the traditional palpation, gait motion, joint flexion test evaluations with nerve blocks. X-rays, ultrasound, and joint injections are sometimes still needed but the use of other modalities their need for their use maybe delayed or eliminated.

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